Automatically renewing Azure Web App HTTPS certificates for free using letsencrypt-webapp-renewer

1 minute read

HTTPS is the pervasive standard for all websites, regardless of size or field. The Mozilla foundation has gone so far as to announce their intent to completely phase out HTTP. Unfortunately, the procurement, maintenance, and renewal of SSL/TLS certificates has been an expensive and manual process for many.

Enter Let’s Encrypt - a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority. Shortly after its release, Simon J.K. Pedersen created the excellent letsencrypt-siteextension Azure Web App extension for easy integration with Azure Web Apps. However, at the time of writing it suffers from several issues:

  • The extension must be installed on the same web app as your site.
    • This means you must install the extension on each and every Web App you own.
    • Worse, if you happen to publish your Web App with the “Delete Existing files”, it will silently delete the WebJob created by the extension, effectively nullifying it.
  • There are no e-mail notifications (you could set some basic ones with Zapier but they won’t contain details on the actual renewals that took place).
  • It relies on an Azure Storage account which has to be configured in a certain way, which is an unneeded possible point of failure.
  • The extension can only be run in the context of a web app. You might want to run it as a command-line tool (e.g. from your CI system).


letsencrypt-webapp-renewer is a WebJob-ready command-line executable I created that builds upon (the core component behind letsencrypt-siteextension) to provide the following features:

  • Install on any Web App (doesn’t have to be the same web app for which you want to manage SSL certs).
    • Multiple Web App management is supported.
    • Publishing with “Delete Existing files” has no effect when the WebJob is deployed to a different (preferably dedicated) Web App.
  • E-mail notifications are built in (via SendGrid).
  • No external dependencies other than Let’s Encrypt.
  • Can be executed as a plain command-line tool from any environment.

Head on to to get started!

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